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The 30 Yard Pitch Made Simple

Posted on 2017-11-17 | Posted by Alex Munro


set up for the 30 yard golf pitch shot


  • Weight favouring the left side slightly to ensure ball/turf contact
  • Sternum positioned over golf ball
  • Hands level with the golf ball to utilise the bounce of the club and deliver good loft
  • Feet closer together to reduce lateral movement that creates inconsistent strikes



the 30 yard pitch shot in golf back swing


  • Lower body remains quiet. Very little hip turn or lateral moment
  • Very little wrist hinge to encourage more torso rotation in downswing
  • Weight remains favouring the left side



The 30 yard pitch shot impact angle


Torso is rotating towards the target moving the sternum ahead of the ball creating a crisp descending strike on ball and preventing any ‘scooping’ at impact


Golf. the 3o yard pitch shot

  • Body has fully rotated to face the target
  • Hands’ finishing in front of the chest shows the connection between the arms and torso has been maintained throughout the swing



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