A steep angle into the sand is required to extract the ball. To do this I put more weight on my left side (approximately 80%) and let my hands move slightly ahead of the ball.
I create a slightly earlier wrist hinge than normal. This is useful for creating a steep angle of approach into the sand.
The early wrist hinge also helps to create more speed at the bottom of the swing arc which is required to drive the club powerfully into the sand behind the ball.
I have slightly increased the amount of pressure over my left side in the downswing. This encourages a powerful downward strike into the sand.
My chest and hands are slightly ahead of the ball through impact. Many amateurs let the club head move excessively past the hands in an attempt to help the ball into the air. This often results in poor strikes and failure to extract the ball from the plugged lie.
My chest and body have fully extended post impact. This shows my body has rotated fully through the ball ensuring I maintain club head speed and do not decelerate through the hitting area. Acceleration through the hitting area is essential when extracting a ball from a plugged lie as you will be taking plenty of sand with the ball.
If you need help with your game then please feel free to give me a call.